Let's explore the WEB3-based gaming experience

The problem THE RUN solves

One of the major problems with traditional gaming systems is MODS & HACKS which completely destroy the spirit of the game, in nowadays world, it is very difficult to find a game where in all the users have grown their profile naturally. our infrastructure/solution tries to solve this problem using blockchain technology. We tokenized each and every gaming asset and link it to the users' soul-bound token. All the transactions are made on blockchain thus there is no chance of creating overpowered fake users via hacks or mods. This particular solution can be implemented in any gaming be it casual or a high-end game like fps. The beauty of the project lies in using some special tokens and techniques which make this possible like soul-bound tokens, nonfungible tokens,semi-fungible tokens, token-getting infrastructure, lazy minting processes,meta-data transactions, etc.

Challenges we ran into

1)Using of different types of token and their interaction between smart contracts.
2)Reducing the gas fee & transaction time wherever possible.
3)Implementing an arcade theme.
4)Using of complex react-redux
