The Parking Spot

Dont keep looking, we've found it.

The problem The Parking Spot solves

Every single year drivers from around the world spend countless hours driving around looking for a spot to park this is an incredible waste of time and also expends an uncalled amount of fuel contributing to global warming. the average time spent looking for a parking spot world wide is 20 minutes and in some cities can even be higher. this wasted time is also reflected in the greater economy with estimates suggesting americans loose upto $73 billion dollars a year looking for parking spots
keeping this in mind we have come up with Parking Spot. this can be impleted in virtually any parking spot. The parking lots of airpots, malls and other large establishments and more importly at parking stands by the sides of roads (similar to parking meters). what this will do is work with an app and an API. wherein on parking the vehicle anytime the message will be sent to the user with the exact loaction of a vehicle so one never has to go hunting for their car if they forget where it is parked. while for users who have installed the app they can also tap into the network and find any parking spots nearby that are free so instead of motoring around they can just find the spot, park and be on their way no time lost! this system will also tie into screens outside large parking lots which can display the loacation of a empty spot eliminating the need of people to guide cars in a dense packed parking lot. this system in essence will guide cars to the empty parking spot quickly and eficiantly saving both time and fuel.
the device used will be small box sized(like parking meters) and will house a proximity sensor and rfid sensor this will aloow it to know if the spot is filled and with the card users can scan their cards which will enable further functionality from the app and API functionality. this technology can later be expanded to included NFC to accept payments and essentially also function as a parking meter.

Challenges we ran into

the creation of a working api without the actual prototype is proving to be a nearly impossible task as without actually having the location of a physical device we cannot really scan anything and have it send a message to the user
