Gamifying philanthropism - Beavers: Ecological Engineers build small banks over rivers -
Our Economic Engineers help people gamify philanthropy with tokenmoics - bridging the gap between NGO & gamers
Gamifying philanthropism - Beavers: Ecological Engineers build small banks over rivers -
Our Economic Engineers help people gamify philanthropy with tokenmoics - bridging the gap between NGO & gamers
The problem Eco Engineers solves
NGO & Gaming
NGO lie in the borderline of where most of the time they are unable to meet their funding. And people are usually reluctant to fund NGO.
And there is no streamlined validation if NGO has actually used the funding for good purposes, given at times we find them skecthcy situations(due to improper use of funds)
Gaming has reached new heights in India, but the overall incentive to play a game withers out over time & the benefits it has is very centralized to the game developers
Enter Eco Engineers
You can mint Eco Engineers (Game characters) in the store
NGOs can start a campaign by uploading some artworks (done by a kid / elderly person) as a NFT for Solana users to buy
Each art has an associated powerup - hit-points, intelli-points generated at random during NFT minting
As you buy NFT from NGO, the game character gets powered up
The rules of the smart contract will prevent both Gamer & NGO from abusing the system - Just buying NFT will not take you far ahead in the game & NGO will not be allowed to price their NFT, and NGO campaigns will be controlled by their performance with their funding
The Game
The game follows a bounty based Question & Answer where a person posting a question will deposit a amount and other people are allowed to answer only if they own a NFT with a certain powerup.
People answer the following for a question eg. "Will Solana value increase in next 2 days ?" - Bounty 2 Sols
Yes / No
By how much percentage ? eg. 2% increase / decrease
Proof for the claim. eg. link of a article, old statistics
After the time limit is done, based on the correctness of the prediction, the bounty to divided among the answerers
On each correct answer, the NFT gets leveled up, which the gamer can use for further questions, if he loses in the prediction, the deposit amount he loses will be comparitively less, thereby incentivising him to play more & buy more NFT from NGO.
Challenges we ran into
Thanks to metaplex, we had the NFT store up & running, but the documentation was pretty hard to follow.
Need more code snippets & examples to work around for building the game.