The Nexus News App: An AI-Powered News Platform

The Nexus News App: An AI-Powered News Platform

In today’s world of Internet and people being sharply divided among contrasting views, the media has been creating a further divide in opinions.

The problem The Nexus News App: An AI-Powered News Platform solves

To tackle the challenge of discerning unbiased news in today's information-saturated environment, NexusNews is a news app which integrates different news from all over the internet. Our project aims at making users aware of the biasedness of the they read. This provides users clarity of information on the news while also encouraging them to explore different perspectives.

Bias Prediction-
We categorise the news article into 3 perspectives for politics namely left sided, Centered and right sided.
We have trained our model such that it takes in news article as input and returns the output as percentage of bias.

Sentimental Analysis-
We take our project to the next step by implementing a new feature for non political content namely Sentimental Analysis. Through this, we have implemented the emotional leaning of the headlines of the news as a percentage i.e whether the given news is perceived as positive news or negative news or neutral news.

Pay per view-
Adding on to this stack, we introduce our web3 integrated pay per view feature. Through this feature, we aim at providing news journalist and writers an opportunity to increase the monetary value of their articles by blogging exclusive content sheilded behind our pay per view encryption feature .

This will help them make a better stand for themselves and achieve a better monetary value for their articles compared to traditional news websites but also make viewers happy by declutterring biased and untrustworthy news as the users will only continue to pay as long as they are provided with key valuable insights .

Challenges we ran into

We got this development problem which we had to solve by integrating a few APIs and making it flow smoothly.
On one hand we needed to keep the information flowing in real-time but on the other hand we had to make sure performance was not compromised.
After checking and refining the bias prediction and sentiment analysis models, we made sure that they were valid and efficient.

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In today’s world of Internet and people being sharply divided among contrasting views, the media has been creating a fur...Read More

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