The name os our project is Vital.

Track, monitor, and respond to medical emergencies like never before with real-time updates of all your patient's vitals at your fingertips.

The problem The name os our project is Vital. solves

The medical profession is one of the most physically and mentally challenging jobs and the staff faces immense performance pressure all while taking crucial decisions and performing complicated procedures with utmost care and precision. Through Vital, we aim to save an essential part of medicine- time. Heart rate, blood pressure, temperature and blood oxygen needs to be constantly monitored and measuring them is the first and foremost task carried out before conducting or deciding to perform any medical procedure. Updating the doctor or measuring them again takes up the few seconds that would be rather utilised in saving the patient. These are highly unpredictable and affect the whole body, hence Vital takes care of the monitoring, tracking and alerting the doctor in real time, at the exact moment.
Vital shows the data from the hospital monitoring machine directly to the doctor's device so that he can be informed at all times. Incase of the vitals becoming abnormal, a notification alert is sent to the doctor through the app directly so that instant action can be taken by the staff at the site of emergency. The app shows the vitals data from the past 24 hours and past week too, so doctors can make the right decisions with reference to the past history. Practically we hope to implement it in every hospital. It will itself be a server that can hold and upload data on the client site with real-time data transfer using IOT integrated with the essential machines. Thus the doctor receives data faster than ever.
This is a unique, one of a kind product which so far has no competition in the market but holds the potential to create a massive impact on humanity. Vital is going to be a gamechanger in the healthcare industry by optimising technology to it’s best and impacting mankind as a whole.
presentation- https://www.canva.com/design/DAEiaBO2jho/YbjdvCU1C12M8crX2aw2jQ/view?utm_content=DAEiaBO2jho&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=sharebutton

Challenges we ran into

Tried to get data from hospitals but due to covid restrictions and limited time not possible.
Sockets made the server as well as website lag.
Integrating frontend and backend in such a short time was difficult.
