The Lingua Lab

The Lingua Lab

The Lingua Lab is a quiz application where a user can create his/her own decks and take quizzes upon the create decks of cards with a performance review at the end of every quiz attempt.


The problem The Lingua Lab solves

  • This is a flash-card application created using Flask as backend.
  • Users can login/signup to the Flashcard application and then create their own decks on which they can take quizes.
  • At the end of the quiz you can see your performance on how well you did in the Quiz.

Challenges I ran into

Implementing APIs and routing functions in flask was troublesome for the first time. I started with documenting APIs with Swagger and eventually implemented the same in this application. While GET, POST and DELETE were straightforward, I had trouble implementing the PUT methods, i.e., updating the fields such as Updating the decks in the application.

After checking some tutorials over internet and going through some answers on Stackoverflow, I was able to find a solutions for the same. It seems like, my logic for updating the fields was incorrect and after two days of debugging, I was able to tackle this issue.
