The Learning stage

As the name of the project suggest, I am currently in my learning stage and what can be better than learning by practising. This project contains the projects in which I have contibuted during SSOC.

The problem The Learning stage solves

While finding ways to level up my skills, I got my hands on SSOC and while going through the projects of SSOC, I came across Webeginner-projects and ZeroOctave-Javascript-Projects. In these 2 projects, i worked on 3 issues, among which 2 were raw projects of mine while one was an enhancement in the existing project.
The issues i worked on are:

  1. #851 Updated password Validator.
  2. #147 A Dino game.
  3. #265 A discord UI clone.

Challenges I ran into

While working on these issues, i came across many challenges and each of them have taught me something valuable. If I recall one episode then when i was working on issues no #147, i got really stuck onto the javascript part and it took me atleast 2 days to fix everything. This one project itself took a week of time. My next issue was #851, which was the simpleast of all among all these projects. At last the project that really made me cry tears of code was the one with issue no #265. It was supposed to be a simple clone project but while making it i got to know that the the creater of discord website must have taken a handsome sum of amount from the client to deliver such a good piece of art. This project itself has taught me a lot of things all the headaches was worth it.

Technologies used
