The Gladden Project

For people who are willing to take advice from mental health experts but don't want to reveal their personal details/identity, they can use our platform where they can get personalized feedback.


The Gladden Project

For people who are willing to take advice from mental health experts but don't want to reveal their personal details/identity, they can use our platform where they can get personalized feedback.

The problem The Gladden Project solves

Mental health issues is a very big problem, globally, due to which a lot of people end up in really bad places and some even commit suicide. A lot of these people can be healed if they are just guided properly. To address this issue a lot of helpline numbers have been set up but still a lot of people feel unsecure talking to strangers on the phone and giving away all their personal details. So, we decided to create a website where the user can enter their problems and the bot will answer all their queries. This removes the fear of leaking personal details and user is able to get the much needed feedback.

Future Scope:

  1. We will add a complete ML chatbot using which user can get better advice.
  2. We will add an option for advicers/content-creators so that they can publish their great messages and give it to our ML model which will be adde to our ML model data to provide better experience.

Challenges we ran into

We had to also add a more discrete form to provide a starting point where user can get a quick review.
