The Clock's Key

The Clock's Key

Our team has developed a cutting-edge game using the innovative technology of blockchain and the powerful Unity Engine. The game boasts a range of exciting features and gameplay mechanics,

Created on 14th March 2023

The Clock's Key

The Clock's Key

Our team has developed a cutting-edge game using the innovative technology of blockchain and the powerful Unity Engine. The game boasts a range of exciting features and gameplay mechanics,

The problem The Clock's Key solves

the game's integration with blockchain technology allows for the creation and management of digital assets that can be traded and exchanged between players. This provides a unique opportunity for players to truly own and monetize their in-game items, creating a thriving virtual economy that is both transparent and fair.
As well as the Game is designed in such a way that both the players have to communicate with each other to solve the puzzles and clear the obstacles, the main problem we are solving is communication as we all know communication is such an important aspect that one need, and having a game that allows you to communicate with your partner and create a special bond as well as add fun elements in it,

Challenges we ran into

The significant challenges we ran into were integrating the meta mask wallet , Unity provides thrid web SDK but it was still a major challenge to use that SDK and update the contracts based on our needs ,
The second challenge we ran into was to convert our designs into NFT's and to create a NFT wallets

Tracks Applied (4)

Blockchain & Crypto

We have used the concept of blockchain technology such as Wallet and NFTs. And created a store to trade NFTs with other ...Read More

Open Innovation

Our Game is a two-player multiplayer game, as we know there are many multiplayer PVP games but only a few games are ther...Read More

Ethereum Track

The NFTs will be deployed n the Ethereum test net and the wallet address is based on Ethereum goerli.



We have to use FileCoin for wallet purposes.



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