Text Analyser

Have a document? Use TextSemantics to check the tone it expresses!

Created on 13th December 2020


Text Analyser

Have a document? Use TextSemantics to check the tone it expresses!

The problem Text Analyser solves

This tool uses AI to analyse your text's semantics for the tones it expresses, and contains tips for you to better your writing. You can even view sentence by sentence analysis in your document, and improve your essay! A must have for all writers, students and authors!

Challenges we ran into

At first we could not think of any ideas as this was our first hackaton. We came up with various ideas later such as to-do list app and diary app but those seem too easy and we decided we need to try something new. We decided to work on a speech analyser app which is now a text analyser as we did not have enough time. We faced bugs such as having trouble implementing the api (as the documentation from the website was not working) and making certain functions works.


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