Tesseract Testing Plateform

We make testing easy


Tesseract Testing Plateform

We make testing easy

The problem Tesseract Testing Plateform solves

In this current time of COVID19, number of educational institutes across the world are facing issues technically, some are cancelling the semester examinations and some are trying to take tests through testing platforms that are available online like Google Forms, Microsoft Teams etc. In which students can cheat in the quizzes, online examinationsnso we came up with solution to this problem by recording the user's screen and applying image processing to it to identify whether user tried to cheat or any malpractice was found or not. And this feature currently none of the platforms provide rightnow and it is the right time to tackle this issue, and educational institutions can easily take tests easily and securely.

Challenges we ran into

The major part of project we are trying to make is to identify whether user had tried to cheat or not on the basis of entire screen's recording we'll have of students screen, so that monitoring can be done in that way.

Technologies used
