Terminal Portfolio, Algorithms - Devlog

Terminal Portfolio, Algorithms - Devlog

Devlog is a web page designed to showcase my open-source contributions made during SWOC-2023

The problem Terminal Portfolio, Algorithms - Devlog solves

During the coding phase of SWOC, I have contributed to primarily two projects, namely - Terminal Portfolio and Algorithms.

For the Terminal Portfolio project, I worked on 3 issues and all of my pull requests got merged into the project's main branch.
For the Algorithms project, I worked on 3 issues and all PRs got merged into the main branch of the project.

The issue list and PR merge list can be seen on the website:

Challenges I ran into

Refactoring the entire codebase of Terminal Portfolio(https://github.com/TechSpiritSS/Terminal-Portfolio) was difficult & time taking. I had to break one large script file into multiple others according to their functions. I had to invest a lot of time in understanding the code.

Tracks Applied (1)


Devlog is hosted on Replit.

