

Your Health, Our Priority, Anywhere, Anytime.

The problem TeleSuraksha solves

TeleSuraksha addresses the critical issue of healthcare accessibility by providing a user-friendly telemedicine platform that connects patients with qualified healthcare professionals, regardless of geographical constraints. In a world where physical distance and limited healthcare resources can pose substantial challenges, TeleSuraksha leverages technology to bridge these gaps, offering timely medical consultations, advice, and treatment options to individuals in remote or underserved areas. This innovative platform not only enhances the reach of healthcare services but also promotes early intervention, reduces unnecessary travel, and fosters a more equitable healthcare system, ultimately improving overall healthcare outcomes.

Challenges we ran into

Building TeleSuraksha's website using front-end technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript presented several challenges. Firstly, ensuring cross-browser compatibility and responsiveness was crucial, as different browsers and devices may interpret code differently, leading to layout and functionality issues. Managing the complex layout and design elements while maintaining a responsive and user-friendly interface required meticulous attention to detail and extensive testing.During deployment, hosting considerations, we faced several issues regarding deploying and building the project,tried to work on different bugs in the code of HTML and CCS and tried to solve them with my teammates.
