
Trekking through technology!

The problem TechKnow solves

Techknow brings all resources, opportunities, and trends together within your reach. It's more about learning through the right path than learning for the sake of it! Our project creates a new platform where all the different tech communities can come together to help each other and a learner can learn some new tech stack at their own pace. Every tech stack gets its own channels with lots of different options such as blogs, open-source opportunities, Internship opportunities, etc. Such an application helps a learner to stay motivated by talking to experts and similar-minded people in the tech stack they are interested in without any distractions as the application is only focused on technology-related discussions.
TechKnow creates an opportunity for the tech community to meet and expand their network. It sets high standards and only genuine blogs, internships, and open-source opportunities are posted on the application which allows the user to safely apply for the opportunities posted on the net.

Challenges we ran into

The project is done using React.js and Firebase and we had a lot of trouble in figuring out how to integrate all the features as we were just getting started on this tech stack. It took us a lot of time to figure out the errors and we felt that if TechKnow existed we could easily ask doubt in the large tech community or even read previous queries which would've helped us in completing our project without a rush. Creating the Login/Signup feature and the chat feature was the most difficult task we had to do during the hackathon.
