Tech tweaks

Build on a Solid Foundation, Reach for the Stars! , Speak through your technical writings...


Tech tweaks

Build on a Solid Foundation, Reach for the Stars! , Speak through your technical writings...

The problem Tech tweaks solves

The proposed web portal aims to provide a platform for the students of Indira Gandhi Delhi Technical University for Women (IGDTUW) to read and access the technical writings, such as blogs, articles, and papers, written by their peers at the university. The main motivation behind this idea is to promote technical writing among students and to make the writings of the students at the university more accessible and widely read among their peers.

Challenges we ran into

We have spent our maximum in fixing the css and responsiveness of the website.

Tracks Applied (1)

Web Track

This is a web portal constructed to read and browse , write the top blogs and articles issued by the IGDTUW students.

Technologies used
