Metro check-in check-out with Azure Face API and Matic for user wallets.

Created on 15th February 2020



Metro check-in check-out with Azure Face API and Matic for user wallets.

The problem TeamTAGS solves

We are focusing on building a solution for bottlenecked gateways in the daily commute; one such location would be the entry and exit points at metro stations. The idea is to use facial recognition to have an automated payment system for public transports (using an online wallet). Imagine FastTag-based tollways for human faces without the need for any hardware / physical cards. You can simply walk in and out; we'll scan the face and deduct the costs from your wallet.

Our idea has the potential to be sustainable depending on Governmental contracts. Initially, we will need support from the Delhi transport Affairs and the DMRC to help test and implement the solution at various metro stations and then build from there. We can additionally, later charge a small fee, either directly or indirectly (via DMRC) to the commuters for using our technology.
As we expand, our solution also has B2C applications, where users can use our technology for their homes and offices, building us a steady revenue stream.

Challenges we ran into

The problem we ran into was the latency issue of azure face API we spent around 4-5 hours to write the parallel streams asynchronously.

We faced problems in Matic integration as we didn't have time to include dfuse and torus into our application.


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