

Real-time payments for online lectures


Created on 1st June 2023



Real-time payments for online lectures

The problem Teacho solves

Online lectures need you to pay before you can start the lecture, this can be useless if what's taught is not valuable to the student. We have come up with an alternate solution to this problem.

A platform where anyone can host their online lectures. They can describe the pricing in terms of flow rate. Those who buy these will have to pay 10% of the amount in advance to create some trust. Now, once there is some trust between the lecturer and the attendee, they can launch a meeting at the mentioned time with the help of Huddle01 SDK. For the duration of the meeting, a stream of money between the attendee and the lecturer will be generated using superfluid CFA. The stream flow stops whenever an attendee ends the meeting. As a result, the user has more control and only has to pay if the course is valuable.
If multiple people buy a course from the same lecturer, they will be minted with an NFT representing a group of people who can join the same meeting room.

Challenges I ran into

We did a lot of research to deeply understand the working of superfluid and super tokens before we could implement them in our project. We also had to look up a lot while integrating Huddle01 SDK.


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