Tasty Foods

Tasty Foods

Tasty Foods is an exclusive recommender system that recommends food based on similar food items as well as based on similar users.

Tasty Foods

Tasty Foods

Tasty Foods is an exclusive recommender system that recommends food based on similar food items as well as based on similar users.

The problem Tasty Foods solves

Food is an essential need and a big platform to bring in revenue. It is a jackpot if one can recommend what sort of food they like. Recommenders help in increasing the income as they suggest a more relatable and suitable item from the list.

I have created a simple web app that showcases the recommender system.

Challenges I ran into

  • Firstly, I have never created a recommender system from scratch. I learnt it during the hackathon.
  • Secondly, I had a bunch of errors while working with the data, especially the recommendation part and thankfully the scikit-learn documentation helped a lot.
