Talk with Dora_1.4

Ding Dong! A virtual assistant that works with you instead of for you. Hire one today!

Created on 20th June 2021


Talk with Dora_1.4

Ding Dong! A virtual assistant that works with you instead of for you. Hire one today!

The problem Talk with Dora_1.4 solves

Access: In product catalogue website, you can access the catalogue anywhere, anytime you want and do not need to create a separate space for the same.
Whereas, in paper-printed product brochures you need to go at a particular place to buy the same and carry it with you wherever you go.
**Save time and money: ** Printed brochures are obscenely expensive and inefficient.
They require a great amount of time to get published in market as it involves designing, manufacturing, quality control, etc.
Whereas, a digital catalogue will decrease the expenses for printing and distribution. With an e-product catalog available on a tablet, smart phone or laptop, your sales force will no longer need to pack, ship, and display every item you offer.
**Updating **: Updating the data in the brochure is always necessary.
But sometimes, an update is needed shortly after the catalogues get shipped to you from the printer!
This becomes waste of money and time.
So, if one has access to e-product catalogue, it becomes easy to edit and update the products information, specifications, etc.
Improves Trade: Display new products and top sellers at the show and share the entire product catalogue electronically in-person or email it to them to view at their breathing space.
Besides, the merchants do not want to walk around a trade show floor moving or lugging your paper catalogue around!
With the help of digital catalogue it becomes easier to track sales of the product and capture the consumer data. **
Product catalogue website is more shareable than the printed one. Now-a-days, the use of social media is at rapid pace, this makes the digital catalogue reaches more and more people and gain new clients. **
Apart from all of this, a veryimportant feature that product catalogue website can produce is it can blend a variety of multimedia, including audios and videos.
Also if they like your product, they can easily place an order just by a
single click.

Challenges I ran into

While working on this, I came to know that I was unaware of things like I did not know Markdown Supported meaning. To overcome this, I researched regarding the same and cleared my doubts.
When I created a web layout for the idea I was thinking of, the layout didn’t satisfied me and I thought I need to be more innovative, this is not what I want.
So I started working on creating a perfect layout by learning about slideshow in html and JavaScript, dropdown menu, placing a search button, and what an ideal navigation bar looks like.
I always used to get confused in JavaScript syntax, but to overcome this I practiced JavaScript programsto get the clear view of it. I also learned new concepts of ReactJs.
The biggest hurdle I ran into isCOVID-19. Staying safe during these hard times was my utmost priority, as I was tested positive for Covid few days ago and was recovering well. It was challenging period for me to stay healthy and mentally stable.
During these rough seas it was difficult to manage ** internet issues** at remote areas. I overcome this problem by accessing internet from another source rather than using mobile data for the research.
Time management came out to be the next hurdle. I conquered this by working late night.


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