A strategy to maximize the idea of car pooling, but in a different way -> Like if I am travelling from one place to another place by my car or any vehicle, and I have extra space in my vehicle, then this web app will show user enrouted in the same direction, and I can give him a ride, and earn from it. It will remove the hassle of driver with a cab, like in OLA, UBER, RAPIDO.
It will give freedom to ride, you won't have any burden that you have to complete minimum number of hours. Everytime you are riding, you can just login into the website, and it will show all the user enrouted.
Reducing pollution by dealing a ride with the ongoing person on the same route.
Can minimize traffic jams on road.
Women only driver option for women user.
Easy money making everytime you drive.
While fetching maps from google api, we had a problem, but solved somehow.
And while adding extra features for safety like emergency button, we brainstormed a lot, and came up with an innovative solution.