Created on 20th October 2024
Yuga's tweet - inspired us about the concept of an AI Agent wallet. We wanted to apply the concept of data collection and payment using agents to build TagFi, a TikTok reel-like app for data collection and rewards.
We are based out of India. The ancient roots of India take us to the story of Mata Shabri, who filtered out quality fruits for Lord Rama, and that’s where we thought AI needs many modern-day Shabris to generate classified high-quality data.
Epoch 2024 research report and podcast from Mustafa Soleman, Microsoft AI CEO, indicated that by 2026, high-quality text data for training LLMs will be exhausted, a trend that could slow down AI progress. Human-classified data could be a great way to continue feeding in high-quality data for specific cases where synthetic data may not work.
To make this happen, we need to address two key challenges:
And that’s where TagFi comes into the picture!
We address the above two challenges in the following ways:
Verify users and check eligibility against user reputation: From basic user verification systems to resist bots and bring unique users, to verifying users for their reputation in specific skills that qualify them to input data. For example, user-generated content (UGC) across different focus areas such as specific skills like medical surgery, experience like combat, and domain knowledge in wildlife.
Solving at scale: There are already several projects enabling the data economy that could address similar challenges, but we feel adding social engagement with a TikTok or Instagram-like reel-making, gamified experience with filters and rewards could bring larger user bases to generate data at volume across categories.
🔖 Project TagFi:
Instagram / TikTok reel-like verified user input collection to drive the next generation of AI model training.
Personas include:
Key Modules:
🦾 User flows
Simple classification flow:
A user undergoes verification and creates a profile on TagFi -> Accesses quests from the marketplace -> Classifies images across categories -> Gets rewarded
Content generation flow:
A user undergoes verification and creates a profile on TagFi -> Accesses quests from the marketplace -> Leverages several ways to add classified data to the dataset (e.g., mobile camera, filters, etc.) -> Data could be verified by other users based on data consumer rules -> Rewards will be proportionate to the user’s reputation
🚀 TagFi Impact:
Access to verified user generated and proprietary content will enable hot licensing and acquisition target to help further development of AI
Identification of Data Consumers:
Studied and interacted with several AI data-providing projects like Masa, Vana, Nukl, and others to understand demand and supply gaps in data consumption and generation.
Exploring ways to solve RLFH at scale with:
Cheering for a project means supporting a project you like with as little as 0.0025 ETH. Right now, you can Cheer using ETH on Arbitrum, Optimism and Base.