Created on 2nd March 2024
By integrating fiat and blockchain rails, this platform overcomes legacy pain points around fees, speed, and fractured experiences. The ability to directly connect bank accounts enables zero-cost transactions versus the 1.5-3% charged by card networks and services. Transaction settlement also reaches finality in seconds rather than the 1-5 day lag of traditional clearinghouses and correspondent banking. Finally, an intuitive web interface circumvents the scattered user experiences across countless standalone payment apps and walled-off exchanges. No installation is required and both crypto natives as well as newcomers can conduct transfers with minimal friction.
Bringing this project to life was filled with learning experiences. From wrestling with relatively undocumented sponsor APIs to paywalled access obstructing vital SDKs, it proved arduous. The hustle to balance intensive schoolwork alongside building an ambitious web3 payments app also weighed heavily on stamina at times. Furthermore, a relatively last-minute pivot from RainbowKit to thirdweb's account abstraction toolkit required recoding core flows under tight deadlines. Physically, volatile weather and high elevation took their toll - with team members periodically sidelined by severe headaches, allergies, or altitude sickness. Yet despite these roadblocks, our shared dedication and relentless spirit of iteration carried us through the roughest patches. The result is a uniquely polished product birthed through grit and growth.
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