Swimming Pool Automation

This is a Project of swimming pool of Vallabh Vidhyanagar, Anand. At the location we have installed biometric machines and we have made a desktop application for all type of entries and for billing.


Created on 7th February 2020


Swimming Pool Automation

This is a Project of swimming pool of Vallabh Vidhyanagar, Anand. At the location we have installed biometric machines and we have made a desktop application for all type of entries and for billing.

The problem Swimming Pool Automation solves

It solves the issue of user timing. Now the user can only come in his given time. Attendance will be done by installed biometric machines. The software is used for billing and for new entry purpose.

Challenges I ran into

I was not knowing the biometric system so I had learnt first, then implemented for this work.

Technologies used


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