
Prevent forging medical prescription

Created on 31st March 2019



Prevent forging medical prescription

The problem Swasthya.tech solves

We have build a solution which will help doctors to give prescriptions to his/her patients using the power of Blockchain which makes the prescriptions :

  1. Secure
  2. Eliminates the posibilty of forgery
  3. Prevents repeated purchasing of drugs using a single prescription
  4. Prevents purchasing of drugs without prescription
  5. Creates a profile of every user and keeps a track of health problems which can improve doctor's approach towards any patient.

Challenges we ran into

It was a task for us to develop something on Blockchain for the first time in a limited time frame. We went about desinging complete architecture for the blocks in blockchain. I tried to prioritise security as it's the key feature of involving blockchain.

Technologies used


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