Aapka Swasth Swastha ke sath

The problem SWASTHA solves

----For the Patients
Illustrating the problem statement through an example: Consider a scenario where a user resides in Delhi but relocates to Bangalore, either in an emergency or for routine check-ups. In such situations, the user endeavors to locate the most suitable hospital nearby. Herein lies the significance of "SWASTHA." By simply inputting the city name and locality, this platform seamlessly identifies and recommends the optimal nearby hospital to the user.
Some doctors may advise patients to undergo additional tests unnecessarily, potentially driven by a desire to increase profits. However, in many cases, the validity of test results extends up to 14 days. To address this issue and empower users, we provide a platform where individuals can conveniently upload their medical reports for review and consultation, ensuring optimal healthcare decision-making without unnecessary repetition of tests.
Highlighting the issue at hand: Typically, local pharmacies offer a standard discount margin of 7%. However, our solution involves leveraging online portals such as NETMEDS, which provide significantly higher discounts of up to 13%. This initiative aims to enable users to procure medicines at discounted rates, thereby enhancing accessibility and affordability of healthcare essentials.
Addressing the prevalent challenge: Accessing tests from conventional centers, often recommended by doctors for personal affiliations or commission incentives, poses significant hurdles. To mitigate this issue, we've integrated Dr. Lal Path Labs onto our website, empowering users to conveniently book tests with a trusted and unbiased provider. This integration fosters transparency and ensures users have access to reliable diagnostic services without undue influence or bias.

Challenges we ran into

The project encountered several significant challenges throughout its development:

  1. Finding the dataset containing information about certified hospitals accredited by the government proved to be a complex task. This involved extensive research and collaboration with various sources to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the data. Additionally, verifying the credibility of the hospitals listed in the dataset posed its own set of challenges, requiring meticulous attention to detail and thorough vetting processes.

  2. Connecting the database presented another hurdle, as it necessitated compatibility between different systems and platforms. This involved configuring the database settings, ensuring proper data transfer protocols, and addressing any compatibility issues that arose during the integration process. Additionally, optimizing the database for efficient data retrieval and storage was essential to enhance the overall performance of the system.

  3. Integrating the graphical user interface (GUI) with the main code required careful coordination and synchronization between design elements and functional components. This involved translating the application's backend logic into a user-friendly interface, implementing responsive design principles, and ensuring intuitive navigation for seamless user interaction. Addressing compatibility issues across various devices and screen sizes added an additional layer of complexity to the integration process.

  4. Managing project scope and priorities was another challenge that required careful consideration throughout the development cycle. Balancing competing demands, addressing unforeseen issues, and adapting to evolving requirements necessitated effective project management strategies and constant communication among team members.

Technologies used
