Created on 28th January 2024
We aim to create Swasth an all-in-one health website. This website allows users to upload their previous medical files and their current medical details such as blood group, allergies, current diseases, medical insurance they currently have, and whatnot. We aim to create an aadhaar-like health network. The user has to upload an image of himself during signup or registration. Using face recognition the admin (only authorized hospital and only one admin ID will be provided to each hospital) can get the patient health records. Imagine a situation when an accident victim or person who requires urgent treatment due to some critical condition (eg. Heart attack, high blood pressure) gets hospitalized and during this period his phone is locked no one knows anything about him he doesn’t have his wallet or any identity card in such a situation our website will save someone’s life just by using face recognition we can get all of his health records and believe me it will be safe. Other registered patients can also enter the hospital through face recognition so that the doctor receives all details before appointment. It will also have a discussion forum where experts and doctors can answer FAQs of the users and spread awareness about health and also they can use this platform to make online appointments with doctors. We can also use this website to promote government health insurance and other welfare programs. Apart from this, we will also offer a disease prediction model.