
"Effortlessly manage your meeting data with SwarLikhit's powerful transcription, record keeping, and document analysis tools."

The problem SwarLikhit solves

SwarLikhit, solves several problems related to managing and analyzing information discussed during video conferences. These problems include:

Time-consuming note-taking: Traditional note-taking methods can be slow and inaccurate, which can make it challenging to keep up with important information discussed during video conferences. SwarLikhit solves this problem by automatically transcribing the audio from the conference into written text.

Disorganized and scattered meeting data: Without a central place to store and access meeting data, important information can become disorganized and scattered across different platforms. SwarLikhit solves this problem by providing a centralized platform to store and access meeting transcripts, shared documents, and images, making it easier to manage and analyze important information.

Difficulty finding information in shared documents: If important information is shared during the video conference in a document, it can be time-consuming to find that information later on. SwarLikhit solves this problem by allowing users to search for keywords within shared documents as well as within the meeting transcript.

Inaccessibility for individuals with hearing impairments: For individuals with hearing impairments, following along with audio-only video conferences can be challenging. SwarLikhit offers an automated transcription solution that makes it easier for everyone to participate in and benefit from video conferences.

Overall, SwarLikhit solves these problems by streamlining the process of managing and analyzing information discussed during video conferences. It provides an all-in-one platform that transcribes audio, archives past meetings, makes it easy to search for specific information using keywords, and even allows users to search for text contained within shared documents and images. This makes it a valuable tool for individuals and organizations that need to transcribe, analyze, and reference important information discussed

Tracks Applied (3)


We write code in replit


Enhancing Education

Our project can fit into the Enhancing Education track as it provides a comprehensive document management solution that ...Read More

Most Creative Use of GitHub - MLH

Our project fits into the Most Creative Use of GitHub - MLH track in several ways. First, we utilized GitHub as the prim...Read More

Major League Hacking
