Created on 11th October 2020
Recently Farmer Suicides and Protests are all over the news. They have been committing suicides under pressure because
of debts and money pressure. The main reason behind these problems is that they are not getting proper crop yield, sometimes their whole crop is destroyed by
pest diseases. Solution is Farmland. In that we provide the information and various precision of crops.The goal of the project is to help the farmers and Agri input businesses. This divide into three-part:
As a conclusion, this project is very helpful for the farmers and the required results are achievable. Integrating advanced technology to the primary sector of our country is a necessity and this project will hold a small part for that cause.
It was very time consuming and difficult to prepare a proper dataset for the CNN model of Pest Detection. The difficulty was the time constraint, which I able to overcome with the help of mentors.