

Receive your desired assets on your desired address and your desired chains



Receive your desired assets on your desired address and your desired chains

The problem SwapX solves

Web3 UX is broken. Receivers do not have options/rights to choose their own asset and chains. New users on web3 can get rugged so easily. With swapx you can and you will receive your assets on your desired chain as well as your desired cryptocurrency.

Users can easily put their preferences and these are stored on Polygon zkEVM Mainnet. Senders can read these preferences from Polygon zkEVM contract and swap the assets using 1inch appkit swaps and bridge the same using zkEVM bridge

We have used Walletconnect, Safe & Magic, 1inch Appkit for swaps and social Login, smartaccount.

1inch used to swap assets - example swap done in the demo is linked here - https://etherscan.io/tx/0x2b4a8674bba689b034d94c992ab56b96ff513c0252150ddd14d265088b0a3530

Challenges I ran into

polygon zkevm is not supported by 1inch

Tracks Applied (4)

Social and Email Login/Universal Wallets

Users can create their wallet using social login like Google, X, Discord etc. This makes it easy to onboard my grandma

Safe and Magic


Users can buy crypto using CoinBase Onramp with the help of Fiat currency

Coinbase Onramp


1inch helps users to swap the tokens inside the appkit and the modal seamlessly. txn hash here https://etherscan.io/tx/0...Read More

1inch Network


Wallet connect helps in connecting wallet to multiple EVM chains. With the help of Magic, users can login through email ...Read More

