SWA-G(SWAchh Generation)

Limitless imagination cum innovation

Created on 8th March 2021


SWA-G(SWAchh Generation)

Limitless imagination cum innovation

The problem SWA-G(SWAchh Generation) solves

SWA-G {Swachh generation} is the scope for cleaning India electronically. To contribute cleanliness campaign we come up with the idea to combat the problem. SWA-G is an automatic cleaning machine which can be used inside +outside. It consist of an opening which is controlled by sensors. If anyone come nears it; it will open automatically and a person can throw garbage. It also sucks garbage through its vacuum, it will consist of bristles at the base which would clean the floor also. It also have intelligence speech system (speech recognition),it is able to wish, giving some useful and motivational quotes. As there are many street lights and pillars outside or inside the home so these things will contain a holder which will consist of radar. There will be moisture sensors and gas sensors which would sense the garbage and give signals to radar and further it would transfer the information to the machine. Machine is based on IOT (internet of thinking) as it would be connected to certain app like google maps when it will be built on big locomotives several inter connections would be there like one machine is full of garbage and there is no space for taking more, then it would send signal to another machine to come in this area for cleaning while 1st machine is going to throw the garbage. When it would be sucking garbage metallic things would be extracted.In this time of pandemic we are also adding the sanitation facility and after every four hours house will sanitized by the built in spray. It aims for all over cleaning practices on its own without utilizing human support.As we know that we are running with the covid situation so we targeted on HANDS-FREE garbage disposal. The main reason of that the virus is dominating is unhygienic conditions. SWA-G focusses on maintaining hygiene so the health.


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