SwaG Bot

A level-4 multifunctional delivery bot that can deliver essential equipment in the hospital premises with minimum human interference to promote physical distancing, with the help of an internal app.

Created on 13th December 2020


SwaG Bot

A level-4 multifunctional delivery bot that can deliver essential equipment in the hospital premises with minimum human interference to promote physical distancing, with the help of an internal app.

The problem SwaG Bot solves

The rapid increase of COVID patients due to lack of physical distancing as well as the increase of spread from the health care workers itself.
To enhance physical distancing in the hospital premises so as to decrease the chance of the health workers getting affected by COVID-19, we aim to deploy a contactless delivery bot to deliver essential equipment in the hospital premises.
Infused with latest and cost-effective technologies, SwaG Bot is a preferred substitute for maximising social distancing.

Challenges we ran into

Navigation and mapping of every new hospital is very difficult to be done with the help of GPS since it can not define the web points for indoor mapping, thus we switched to WiFi Beacon technology for indoor navigation to overcome this problem.
Also, we faced the problem that how the bot will go from one floor to another and to overcome this we devised a "follow me model" plan. Now the bot can move to another floor by following any health worker and reach the destination. This is achieved by our advanced and smart object detection using OpenCV.


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