

A blockchain solution to trace and verify the sustainability credentials of products from source to consumer, promoting transparent and responsible consumption.

The problem SustainChain solves


Current supply chain systems often lack transparency and accountability. Consumers don't have clear visibility into the sustainability practices of the products they purchase, such as whether they are made from recycled materials if they cause deforestation, or if fair labor practices are followed in their production.


A blockchain-powered supply chain system can offer complete transparency and traceability. Each product is assigned a unique identifier that can be tracked at every stage of its lifecycle - from the sourcing of raw materials, through the manufacturing process, and all the way to the retail shelf.

Challenges I ran into

As a full-time Python backend dev and when-free-time Rust smart contracts on Near developer, it was quite a challenge to build a fully functioning app using Solidity and React. But seems like I handled it
