Supply Chain Management System

Supply Chain Management System

Simplifying life for everyone in the Supply Chain

The problem Supply Chain Management System solves


  • In this long process, Importers find it difficult to understand the place of origin and quality of the imported products
  • as the product moves between multiple stake holders, it becomes difficult to trace the ownership of the product
  • stakeholders loose transparency of transactions


  • Our blockchain-powered DApp addresses these challenges by providing a secure, transparent platform for tracking goods and automating tasks like verifying authenticity and managing inventory in real-time, thus enhancing efficiency and trust.
  • Building a supply chain marketplace on Ethereum can address these issues by leveraging its decentralized platform and smart contracts to automate and secure complex supply chain processes
  • every stakeholder will have a copy of the same distributed ledger which enables information access in real time

Challenges we ran into

As we are beginner in web3, the most difficult part was to figure out how to write smart contracts and deploy it on Polygon network. We took help from our mentors and eventually were able to deploy it successfully.

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Best MVP of Polygon Cardona

We have deployed our smart contract on the Polygon Network. The smart contract address is - 0x538D2755B5Fb9A4f7c5769bdc...Read More

