Supernova - Prisoner E-learning app

Unlocking Potential Behind Bars: Empowering Prisoners through Education

The problem Supernova - Prisoner E-learning app solves

Our prisoner e-learning app addresses several critical challenges:

Inmate Rehabilitation: It provides inmates with access to educational resources, vocational training, and personal development courses, helping them acquire new skills and knowledge, and potentially reducing the likelihood of reoffending upon release.

Safety and Security: By offering digital educational content, it minimizes the need for physical resources and in-person classes within correctional facilities, contributing to a safer and more controlled environment for both inmates and staff.

Reintegration: Equipping prisoners with valuable skills and knowledge increases their chances of successful reintegration into society, reducing the burden on the criminal justice system and promoting overall community well-being.

Cost-Efficiency: It offers a cost-effective solution for providing education and training opportunities within correctional facilities, minimizing the expenses associated with traditional in-person programs.

Accessible Learning: Inmates can access educational content anytime, anywhere, and at their own pace, making it easier for them to engage in learning and personal growth.

Overall, our app addresses these issues by making education and self-improvement more accessible and efficient for prisoners, ultimately contributing to their rehabilitation and successful reintegration into society.

Challenges we ran into

During the development of our prisoner e-learning app, we encountered a few significant challenges:

Limited Connectivity: Prisons often have restricted or unreliable internet connectivity. This made it challenging to deliver online content seamlessly to inmates. To overcome this, we implemented a system that allowed for downloading course materials during periods of good connectivity, ensuring that inmates could access the content offline. We also made a system architecture where the local server is the only one with the internet access and the computers have access to only what information is available on the local server in the prison,

Security Concerns: The security of the app and the potential for misuse were paramount concerns. We implemented stringent security measures to prevent unauthorized access to certain resources and to monitor app usage, ensuring it was being used for educational purposes only.

Device Restrictions: In many cases, prisoners have limited access to personal devices, and they may be using shared, locked-down computers. This restricted our ability to create a fully responsive app. We had to adapt the app to work on a variety of devices with varying screen sizes and capabilities.

Content Approval: Prisons have strict rules about what kind of content is allowed for inmates. We had to work closely with correctional facilities to ensure that the educational content we provided adhered to their guidelines and regulations.

Technologies used
