Super Proxy

Automating the tedious task of changing various proxies and determining the best network to work upon.

The problem Super Proxy solves

In all big companies and college/institutions proxy servers are used to provide internet services to people. Generally they provide few ip addresses to connect
Different proxy servers provide different speed depending upon the traffic it gets.
So, some servers may get heavy traffic and provide low speed.
The users try different proxy servers on hit-and-trial basis to get good speed.
We want to automate this manual process of comparing proxy servers.
We created a desktop app which checks the speed of all provided proxy servers and provides you with the fastest choice to connect.
Also there was no GUI based proxy management app for linux users to ease their lives as many a new comers to the linux and other OS are not very well-versed in the CLI.

Challenges we ran into

One of the main problems we faced was of tunneling the requests of all the processes to the particular proxy server of the system. For this we used the redsocks tool and connected it to the GUI made by us. Another challenge before us was the detection of best proxy based on various metrics for which we use various bash scripts for each metric performance calculation , at the same time assigning weights to each metric and calculating the final performance score of the proxy server. Many a times using two different technologies gave us problems which were resolved by us after diving into the root causes of the problem.
