Sup, Earth?

A one-stop destination for all the curious brains around the world.

The problem Sup, Earth? solves

Our project provides all the trending gup-shups from every part of the world in just a click, in the form of a 3d representation of the earth. With our exceptional user interface, we aim to let the user learn everything they need to know in a fun and an interesting way. We have designed a website on opening which you will find a zoomable and rotatable beautiful representation of globe. User can click on any country they want to know about and all the trending gossips of that country pops up. Users are also provided an option of searching their country by typing the name. This helps to feed the curious minds of info geeks everywhere on earth. Users wont miss out on anything now and of course, roaming around the globe will help them improve their geography;-P

Challenges we ran into

While building this project we were facing problem while adding hyperlinks to the earth's 3d model.

Technologies used
