Sudoku Solver using CV and ML

Its all about analyzing and instantly solving sudoku puzzles in real-time using OpenCV and TensorFlow.


Sudoku Solver using CV and ML

Its all about analyzing and instantly solving sudoku puzzles in real-time using OpenCV and TensorFlow.

The problem Sudoku Solver using CV and ML solves

It solves competitive interest arousing puzzle sudoku with accurate results and greater time efficiency. Gathering solutions for such puzzles is no more tideous task as the solution proposed here solves the puzzle within a less span of time. The system presented here not only accepts scanned images but also accepts the real-time image from the camera and results in efficient solution for the puzzle. As the application of sudoku is vested in data encryption( steganography), solution to these puzzles are obtained at finger tips. One of the pioneer of machine learning Alan Turing who invented "Enigma" also conducted sudoku code puzzle challenge to hire only those who cracekd the puzzle to work on the project. Likewise number of mathematical problems and many real time issue can also be solved on a single click with computer vision.

Challenges we ran into

Training the model with large number of datasets and comparing with manual solution to the puzzle turned out to be tideous. Instantly captured images made the model work in deep to obtain the accurate solution. Approximation technique to identify digits in obscured images using OCR( Optical Character Recognition ) also have the accuracy of 98.92% given to the model.
