
Manage all subscriptions at one place with invest/donate as extra features



Manage all subscriptions at one place with invest/donate as extra features

The problem SubSufe solves


We are surrounded by subscriptions like Netflix, Spotify, etc.
Around 60% of all subscriptions are not used. People no longer use(or forget about) the
services but services continue to charge them via recurring payments. Multiple
transactions worth a small amount remain unnoticed by the user. This creates an extra
burden on the wallet. There exists no platform, where one can see all of his/her
subscriptions and manage them as well.


SubSafe – Manage All Subscription at One Place

  1. Overview – An algorithm will analyze the transaction data and list all of the
    subscriptions with required info.
  2. Cancel Subscription - Cancel the unused and unwanted subscription just by clicking
    a cancel button.
  3. Add Subscription – If the algorithm didn't detect the transaction as a subscription, you can tell the algorithm by just clicking a button.


Since I saved a lot of money by canceling unwanted subscriptions, I can choose to either invest it or donate it.
Invest - List of some good funds(equity, debt, cryptos)
Donate - I can add my NGO or choose the existing NGOs on the platform to donate the money.
By donating, I mean you can purchase the NGO's membership as NFT. You can resell the NFT(your membership) on the Opensea platform.

Challenges I ran into

A lot! I'll mention the major ones.

  1. Designing an algorithm to perform all the tasks.
  2. React's inbuild errors like useState's, undefined and infinite rendering.
  3. Minting the NFT using the Onecdot platform
    The last one took the most time since the minting NFT take some time and I have furthermore requests to be done. Async and await. Also many times I got undefined data. And to debug the small code, took most of the time.
