Stutter Removal

Bing Voice Search After Removing Stutter from Speech

Created on 20th October 2019


Stutter Removal

Bing Voice Search After Removing Stutter from Speech

The problem Stutter Removal solves

The increasing usage of speech recognition systems by people has led to the ease of access in their day to day lives. People use personal assistants like Apple’s Siri, Microsoft Cortana or Google Now and make their lives easier, however people with speech impairments like stuttering cannot benefit from these services because these companies have catered their speech recognition algorithms to the majority of people, that is, the people without any speech disorders even when about 70 million people in the world suffer from stuttering alone. These voice recognition systems are unable to detect when people afflicted by stuttering use it because when the person starts stuttering the service thinks that the person has completed speaking and doesn’t process what comes subsequently.
What we have tried to accomplish here is to remove the stutter from an audio of speech. We have used this audio in Bing Search Engine, so that it makes voice search easier for people with this dissorder.

Challenges we ran into

The main challege we faced was removing repetition of words from speech. Since the same word can be spoken in different tones and duration, it was difficult to detect and remove the repeated word.
One other hurdle was integrating Matlab codes to web.

Technologies used


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