Student Result Management System

Student Result Management System

Student result management system, see results for internal/external/mid term and end-term

Created on 19th March 2023

Student Result Management System

Student Result Management System

Student result management system, see results for internal/external/mid term and end-term

The problem Student Result Management System solves

It can be used by the colleges to print the result of each student on their official website. The students can see their results virtually instead of using a physical report. So, it will save their time of going to the college and collect the result. It will be beneficial for the college also as making reports for thousands of students is much expensive.

The college would have to maintain a record of each student's roll number and password to identify them. The students can login on the website that would display the result after logging in. The college authority can see the results anytime and in case of any correction instead of making the whole report again, the changes can be made in the previous one itself. So, it will be a faster and effective process. They can also convert it into a pdf and take its printout in case they need it.

Moreover, the parents can also see the result of their child as only two basic information columns would be required to login the website and the college will give each student, an unique password. So, it will be accessible to the parents also.

The problem of miscommunication would not be there as in physical reports, a wrong report (that belongs to some other student) can be given to a student .

Challenges we ran into

We faced problems in making the prototype to show the working of our project. We made its visuals but the buttons were not working in it. Moreover, we were unable to take the input from the user such as enrollment number and password. Then, we refered to some youtube videos and pdfs provided by the mentor during the mentorship session. We also asked our friends and seniors who had the knowledge in this domain. In this way, the prototype worked and this problem was resolved.

Another problem that we faced was to connect the students' personal information, course details and exam scores all together. For this, we went through the basics of data structures and algorithms and found out that the hashmaps can be used to do so. We took one or more common attributes in all the three types of details to connect them. In this way, this issue was also resolved.

Then, printing all the records in tabular form was also one of the challenges. It was resolved by hits and trials as we used some basic symbols from the keyboard.

We discovered that the data storage was not there. We found from some articles that java database connectivity was required for that. We asked some seniors and the mentors about it. But then, they told that this feature is not necessary so we avoided it.

Using graphics was also one of the challenges. We refered several sites, videos and resources provided by the mentors. But still, the graphics were not properly implemented. Moreover, the time was very limited. So, we hope that we resolve this issue in the future.


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