Created on 29th September 2020
The problem of fake degrees and certificates has serious and alarming proportions and needs to be urgently tackled. Blockchain technology is recently introduced to improve the document verification process and combats document fraud and misuse. Blockchain technology simply can be defined as a distributed database(IPFS), that chronologically stores a chain of data packed into sealed blocks. In this all the details of the student are uploaded and can be updated by itself, the student itself can upload his documents on IPFS(Interplanetary File system- distributed database ) and the hash of that document which is generated from IPFS can be stored on the blockchain. Any company can register here and request students for viewing its documents, the student can customize what he wants the company to see and can grant access to the company. Verification is a tough job for a company but with this system, verification can be simplified. So there are three entities one is Students(Employee ), the second Company( Employer) and the third is Verifying agency(University).
The problem I had faced today is from ropsten test network as it was not deploying my smart contract but finally I had deployed my smart contract.