Student Classroom

A Student Classroom made to help students connect with each other, by sharing notes, announcements and assignments with each other.


Student Classroom

A Student Classroom made to help students connect with each other, by sharing notes, announcements and assignments with each other.

The problem Student Classroom solves

  • Centralized Information Hub: The platform serves as a centralized hub for batchmates to access all relevant class-related information, reducing the need for multiple sources of communication.

  • Collaboration: Encourages collaboration and discussion among students through comments and discussions on assignments and announcements.

  • Access Anytime, Anywhere: Students can access class materials and interact with their peers and teachers from anywhere with an internet connection, enhancing flexibility in learning.

  • Real-Time Presence: Students can see who is online, which can foster a sense of community and encourage online interactions.

  • Filter while searching: Students can filter the assignments based on subject name, or directly search based on title of an assignment or announcement.

Challenges I ran into

Challenges Faced:
Forgot Password:Many Users reported forgetting password they set, so had to implement forget password functionality and use email sender APIs, to send OTP for authorisation.

Time Taken to upload on Firebase:It takes a lot of time sometimes to add large files on firebase database, so had to set loader until it is not uploaded on firebase.

Mistakenly added a comment or announcement: Adding comments on announcements is very easy, but sometimes that can be done by mistake in hurry, so had to implement delete functionality and authorise deletion only for those comments made by logged in user
