

Your one-stop token streaming application - unleash the power of streaming tokens and investing.

Built at ETHIndia Fellowship 3.0

The problem Streamfi solves

The project has the following objectives:

  1. Creating/Managing Streams: The primary goal is to allow the users to create
    token streams for various applications like Salaries, Subscriptions. etc. and also
    create a receiving party dashboard for the same.

  2. Dollar Cost Averaging: DCA, in simpler terms is reducing user risk by
    swapping/buying tokens along the curve at regular intervals rather than doing
    so in a chunk. This essentially buys the token at an “average cost”. As an added
    benefit, diverging your orders reduces slippage for traders, which becomes a
    huge problems for DEX pools with limited liquidity.

Problems Solved:

  1. Bringing traditional finance applications like multiple accounts with “saving”
    opportunities to Defi.

  2. Providing a platform to users to unleash the functionality of creating streams for
    salaries, memberships, and anything they wish to create with those streams.

  3. Providing Novice users a “safer” gateway into Defi with DCA so that they do not
    have to worry about fluctuation in prices and slippages.

  4. To promote the use of streams in the ecosystem. Using streams instead of
    chunks helps reduce volatility of assets, inducing more trust in the ecosystem as
    a whole.

Challenges I ran into

There were several bugs and issues that I ran into while developing streamfi, mainly caused because of the unconventional nature of token streaming.

  1. Since tokens are "streamed" every second, maintaining balances and records becomes a little tricky. Figuring out how to pull relevant data with minimum latency was required.

  2. Integrating DCA with streaming first required maintaining records of the data, in an effective way for each user - the number of tokens streamed till now, tokens swapped and other metrics.

  3. Adding a slippage check and setting up periodic smart contract calls required some optimisations to be made.

Cheer Project

Cheering for a project means supporting a project you like with as little as 0.0025 ETH. Right now, you can Cheer using ETH on Arbitrum, Optimism and Base.
