

Storylus is a permissionless Protocol available on Sepolia. It gives smart contracts access to all of Ethereum’s historical data with storage proofs by Proving Ethereum’s chain of block on Stylus

Created on 2nd March 2024



Storylus is a permissionless Protocol available on Sepolia. It gives smart contracts access to all of Ethereum’s historical data with storage proofs by Proving Ethereum’s chain of block on Stylus

The problem Storylus solves

There is no native way to access historical state on Ethereum in a trustless way. Over 19 million blocks written to Ethereum. Smart contracts can only access the latest 256 blocks representing ~50 minutes of data. ‘Historical data’ refers to anything outside of the last 256 blocks.
With Storylus, you can for example :

  • Confirm past user asset ownership
  • Prove usage of a protocol
  • bypass the need for bridging
  • ...

Challenges we ran into

Our project manipulates block headers (pre-image), block hashes and proofs in different contexts (JS, Solidity, Rust).
We had to refer to the several specifications (whitepaper, EIPs, code) and fill some holes in libs (like the lack of support for EIP-4844 in the viem serialize function) or manage all transaction types (EIP-155, EIP-2930, EIP-1559, EIP-4844) to recover the signer fof a transaction in solidity.
Testing Rust Contract in Stylus was difficult because the framework is still in alpha. To get over this challenge, we inspected some other Rust repositories like Reth and Alloy and asked for help to the Arbitrum team.

Tracks Applied (5)

Infrastructure & Scalability Track

We provide a protocol, smart contracts, libraries that help builders to access the historical data of Ethereum.

Best Library / Framework (”Best Use of Arbitrum Library”)

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