Stop Covid-19

Use this website to spread awareness. Display the content on screens in public places to educate the public regarding COVID-19.


Stop Covid-19

Use this website to spread awareness. Display the content on screens in public places to educate the public regarding COVID-19.

The problem Stop Covid-19 solves

Our website can be used for spearding awareness in field of health. It is made in a readable format so that it can be displayed on screens at various places. All the Do's Don'ts, Symptoms, No of cases in all the countries are mentioned in pictorial form so that it is easy to display. The major problem nowadays is to spread awareness and correct information. This website will make this task super easy.

Challenges we ran into

Time manegement and to ensure quality of content were the main problems we encountered. We had to ensure that we did not compromise on our idea project due to the limited time as this was our first hackathon. To overcome this we divided everything and made deadlined for ourselves...Which helped to complete the project within the time limit.
