When it comes to investing in Stock Market, there is always unpredictability about the future stock prices owing to the frequent rise and fall of the same. A quick analysing helpful chatbot is the best way to come to a speedy conclusion about the prediction of stock prices. Despite many online resources being available, there are no rigid predictions in user-friendly way. So, isn't it easier if somone provides you 'to-the-point' solution and that too in an interactive way on the go? So, this chatbot accepts Company name that the user is interested in and based on the past 2-3 years trends in stock market, it predicts the stock prices of the upcoming days using Linear Regression Model.
We have faced a number of challenges in accomplishing our goal of providing a flexible chatbot.
Firstly, we had access to only the statistical data of the stock market, however data for some other parameters such as issues regarding the companies, interralations between companies,sentiments of people regarding the companies,technical and pop cultural environment of these companies which also play an important role in prediction were not easily available in processable format.
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