A Stimuli Controlled Bed that can be used for the beddridden paitents for the comfort and care they need according to their needs.

The problem STIMULI BED solves

Every bedridden patients in the community including a group of disabled individuals who are suffering from serious illness like paralysis requires help from others in one way or another. These patients are unable even to raise the position of the bed whenthey felt uncomfortable .Even for that purpose they will have to depend on others. Moreover if the patient wishes to call a person, it is really difficult for them to do so.
Even 24x7 monitoring of the patient is not done properly. Ifanything happens ,when no one is around how the staffs and family members gets to know what is happening?
These are some of the problem faced by the bedridden patients and we believe that we can provide a better and efficient solution to their problem.
The system that we proposed utilizes the widely and non-invasive EEG capture technology that can be appropriately applied on to a nursing bed system forbedridden patients.
We used Neurosky brainwave sensors to extract EEG signals and artifacts data (Artifacts: Undesirable potentials that contaminate brain signals) . Hence eye blink patterns and mind conditions can be detected using signal processing and hence output can be given accordingly .In short we propose a BCI based system, which is simple to implement and easy to use, by taking the advantage of EEG artifacts. We will be using linear actuator controlled by blink patterns for positioning the bed.And for monitoring health status of patient brainwave and heart beat artifacts are used.
Further down the line this system can be used to control the entire room along with the TV, Windows, Door and etc.

Challenges we ran into

Neurosky Communication:
It was difficult to establish a stable link with this device and Microcontroller
It was rectified after a through literature survey

Bluetooth was found to unable to operate in AT Command Mode:
This was rectifed with further reading

DF module, IR module and SIM 800 was not working properly:
We updated the library and did the necessary adjustment for its functioning
