consumer mobile app to earn usdc with onchain step competitions, without ponzinomics

Created on 1st July 2024

consumer mobile app to earn usdc with onchain step competitions, without ponzinomics

The problem solves

Consumer iOS app for step competitions on Base, without the "walk2earn" ponzinomics.

  1. Create a competition and set the entry fee in USDC
  2. Anyone can "buy in" to the step competition
  3. See leaderboard of players total step count
  4. Player with most steps can claim the prize pool of all entry fees


Next steps

  • Could add active calorie competition, cycling, anything supported in Apple Health Data
  • Figure out how to deep link to wallet via Walletconnect

Challenges I ran into

  • Biggest challenge that I got stuck on - couldn't figure out why wagmi's useWriteContract doesn't deep link to the walletconnect wallet
  • Was trying to use SwiftUI initially but decided to opt back for React Native for general better JS/TS crypto support
  • Time crunch - started the project ~10 hours before submissions due 😭

Tracks Applied (1)

Unplugged Track

walking outside is nice! partially inspired by nouns run club

UNPLUGGED with Nouns

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