

Simplifying Payments with Stellar Links and QR Codes

The problem StellPay solves

When using the Stellar network or any blockchain platform for transactions, users may encounter various issues such as
Always verify the recipient's address and memo before sending a transaction.
Users can't send or receive payments.
Funds are sent to the wrong address.
Transactions fail without a clear reason.
Solution :
StellPay simplifies transactions on the Stellar network by offering a user-friendly interface for account management and payments. It allows users to create payment links and QR codes, ensuring straightforward and error-free payments. With features like automatic memo handling, optimized network fees, real-time transaction monitoring, and enhanced security, StellPay ensures smooth and secure transactions. The platform also provides educational resources and regulatory compliance tools, while responsive customer support helps resolve issues quickly. Overall, StellPay delivers a reliable, cost-effective, and user-friendly experience for Stellar network users.

Challenges we ran into

Security and Testing
Ensuring the security of our platform was a top priority, but it also posed significant challenges.
We conducted extensive smart contract testing via test scripts and code reviews to identify and fix potential vulnerabilities.

Facing challenge in integration of contracts to our platform

Facing challenges of integrating URL and for shorter URL
