Stegano Chat App

It is an open source messaging system for secure secret transmission, with privacy protection feature. It is powered by image steganography.


Stegano Chat App

It is an open source messaging system for secure secret transmission, with privacy protection feature. It is powered by image steganography.

The problem Stegano Chat App solves

Our main objective was to provide users, especially women and children the functionality to report any abuse they are facing from people, who have regular access to their devices. This application allows them to them secret data to trusted members, without making it suspicious. In the senders view, the image will be seen as a normal image, however the receiver will be able to figure out the stegano message, which is indicated by red outline.

Challenges we ran into

There were several challenges we faced while working on this chat application. Some of them were:

  1. Most, if not all, canvas implementations uses a process called premultiplied alpha. This means that after setting the pixels, the browser will actually modify the red, green, and blue values to reflect the alpha value. This lets them render it faster.
    Unfortunately, this is not good for steganography, because it destroys the information we inserted. We can't "reverse" the calculation, because there's a lot of rounding going on.
    The solution, we found for this is to make sure the pixels I store data in have no transparency. We do this by setting the alpha value to 255. This protects the other three color values from being modified.

    1. Another major issue we faced was the compression of the secret message. We tried using the huffman compression coding algorithm and are still working on it.
